Friday, December 18, 2009

Building a budget AR?

Are you building a budget AR?  I sold my DPMS and would love another AR so I'm thinking of starting a new project.

"Operation: Budget AR"

There is no time frame involved so it really comes down to just waiting for good deals.

Part one is the lower receiver.  Guess how much I found it for?


Granted, it's not a brand that most of us have heard of but I'm thinking abou it.  What are your thoughts on SI Defense?

SI Defense $50 Lower Receiver: SI Defense

Thanks to EveryDay, No Days Off for the find.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ruger LCP

I just got a Ruger LCP, specifically because I was going after my CCW.

[Update on CCW - I took the class and passed!  I just have to visit the courthouse and turn in my paperwork and I should be good to go]

I've heard great things about Keltec P3AT and similar if not better things about the Ruger so I decided to go with the Ruger.  Actually, a big part of it was thanks to Nutnfancy's review of the LCP.

So I found it for a great great price at the local gun show and snagged the last one.  Prices were varying up to another $45 so it pays to run to every booth and check them all before deciding.

On the first day I got it, I ran 100 rounds of Winchester 92 grain FMJ Target/Range ammo through it.  Since then, I've shot another 155 rounds.

So far so good but I have come into some odd charging problems with certain ammo.  I'll try to explain it more in another video but you can probably get the idea from the videos above.

Let me know if you have a Ruger LCP and what you think of it.  Overall I notice that people seem to like it a lot and I don't regret it at all.